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Use three dimensional letters to add value to your business and brand. Their use is meant for creating a positive brand image of your company, and AdDesign Square is the best company in the market to complete this makeover. Our highly professional services will ensure that you get channel letters within the specified delivery period, for your company to throw focused light on your products and services.

Materials used to make channel letters

The most common material used in our channel letters Toronto is aluminum. Apart from this metal, we also prepare the beautiful letters using other heavy metals as well.

Help us build visibility

The whole exercise of incorporating channel letters Toronto is to make your brand more visible as compared to earlier. This is the reason size becomes an important parameter that allows channel letters to be distinctly visible. Sizes of the letters used determine if visitors and potential customers are able to see the name of the brand from a suitable distance or not.

It is not just necessary to include the name of the business or brand; you can even look at incorporating the logo with our channel letters. In other words, you can truly give your business a memorable look with these.